NC State High School Band Day Tips - From 2018
- Parking
- Parking is not included with Ticket Purchase for NC State High School Band Day. After purchasing your tickets visit a site like StubHub and purchase a Parking Permit for the game.
- 2018 - Cash Parking areas:
- WestChase Lot III - Handicap & Cash Only (in 2018 price was $20.)
- CVM DECK on Blueridge Road (Cash Only)
- NC State University Club (4200 Hillsborough St., Raleigh, NC 27606 - No Shuttle) $10
- 2018 - Cash Parking areas:
- Parking is not included with Ticket Purchase for NC State High School Band Day. After purchasing your tickets visit a site like StubHub and purchase a Parking Permit for the game.
- Drop Off
- For 2018 there is a temporary Drop Off pass you pick on your way down Westchase Blvd. This pass allows you to temporally pull in the IFP lot to drop off your students. (Carpooling is a great idea.)
- You will not be able to park for any period of time. The pass will be returned to as you exit the drop off area. (TIP: In 2018 if you have two adults you could have one wait in the car while the other picked up the tickets for the day. )
- For 2018 there is a temporary Drop Off pass you pick on your way down Westchase Blvd. This pass allows you to temporally pull in the IFP lot to drop off your students. (Carpooling is a great idea.)
- Picking up at the end of the day
- Students are typically done after the half time show.
- There is not a great way to drive into this area of pickup.
- Sorry no great advice here.
- Tickets (extra's)
- Seating section will not be know until you pick up your tickets.
- Students and parents will typically be located in the same section.
- @ NC State students do not sit with the band.